Photo: Michal Klajban
Staff and patients at Princess Margaret Hospital had to use portaloos this week after a water supply reservoir was damaged.
A staff member, who spoke to Chris Lynch on the condition of anonymity, said workers were getting tired of the “terrible working conditions.”
“A leak in the pipe meant staff and patients had to use portaloos on Wednesday, with no running water allowed, except the occasional flush of toilets overnight.”
Patients were told to have “brief showers.”
The worker said staff were encouraged to bring their own drinking water to work.
“This affected child and family units, eating disorder patients, mother and baby patients, and elderly Seager patients.”
Greg Hamilton - General Manager, Specialist Mental Health Services
“This is not unheard of at this hospital, but it was the first time for outside portaloos. These are actually disgusting conditions for a hospital and during Covid times.”
Specialist Mental Health Services General Manager Greg Hamilton said “the water supply from the reservoir to The Princess Margaret Hospital had been damaged but was fixed late Thursday afternoon and was able to be used for showering and washing last night.”
“A sample was taken and sent for testing, which takes 24 hours, as a precaution before it is cleared for drinking.”
He said “it was a complex repair process which required specialist equipment to be brought in.”
“This supply has failed before and reflects the poor state of the aging infrastructure at Princess Margaret Hospital.
“As soon as this issue became apparent, we sourced bottled water for distribution and portable toilets as well as issuing advice for staff and inpatients – all teams at the site were affected. Inpatient services were asked to use portable toilets during the day and usual toilets at night.”
Hamilton said “as well as letting people know about the drinking water and toilets situation, the advice had been to conserve water by reducing toilet flushing and to have fewer, briefer showers.”
“Community-based teams (mental health and older person’s health) were advised to consider working from home where possible.”
Where are the new facilities?
In February 2019, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced $79 million in funding for new Christchurch mental health facilities to be relocated to Hillmorton Hospital.
In November 2020, the Canterbury District Health Board announced Leigh’s Construction as the lead contractor for the project.
Artist impression of integrated family centre at the Hillmorton site.
“Construction of a High and Complex Needs unit and an Integrated Family Services Centre was expected to be ready for patients in late November 2022.”