Area map where public and animals need to keep out of the waterways / Source: Environment Canterbury
Environment Canterbury has identified waste material in Christchurch waterways.
The organisation responded to an incident at a Blenheim Road business last night after liquid waste material was discharged to land.
It has now been detected in waterways in the immediate area.
Environment Canterbury Christchurch West Melton zone delivery lead Nathan Dougherty said the source of the industrial discharge has been identified and Environment Canterbury and Christchurch City Council staff are working with the business to ensure the discharge is contained, and the source of the contamination is removed.
“We are asking the public and their animals to keep out of waterways in the Curletts Road basin area, opposite the A&P showgrounds,
Signs will be erected at access points today.
Dougherty said “if members of the public see any affected wildlife, they should call 0800 765 588. Please do not handle any wildlife”
Environment Canterbury and Christchurch City Council staff are taking a series of samples for chemical analysis and checking water in the immediate area.
It is likely a mix of industrial waste products has affected waterways close to the discharge site.
Dougherty said “we will also be testing downstream where Curletts Basin flows into the Heathcote River to better understand how far the discharge has spread.
The discharge is unrelated to the recent fish kill in the Heathcote River/Ōpāwaho, which occurred about 10km away in Opawa.