The Quality Hotel Elms in Papanui
The Quality Hotel Elms in Papanui has been added to the Government’s network of hotels being used as a new managed isolation facility.
COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins confirmed the news in a press statement released this afternoon.
The hotel will result in 85 more rooms for returnees and brings the number of MIQ facilities to 32.
“Before hotels are added to the network, they must meet a rigorous safety, public health and staffing criteria. This includes appropriate ventilation, staff ‘green’ zones, separate entry and exit points, and CCTV capability.”
“Staff onsite will include police, health staff, security, MIF managers, and hotel staff. “
“Other managed isolation facility options were considered in Auckland and Rotorua but were rejected primarily because of health and MIQ workforce constraints.
“No suitable facilites were found in Hamilton and Wellington.”