DOC checking up on ‘sick looking’ seal spotted on Christchurch beach

Chris Lynch
Chris Lynch
Jun 25, 2021 |

Photo: Steve Martin

Department of Conservation staff are following up on reports of a seal “looking sick and under-fed.”

The seal was spotted on the shore between North Beach and Waimairi surf Club.

It has reportedly been there since Friday morning.

Department of Conservation Science Advisor Laura Boren said between May and September young seals and male seals of any age can be spotted as they leave their breeding colonies, explore, and rest. This includes newly weaned pups finding their way in the world. 

Kekeno are most often found on rocky shores but are curious and exploratory by nature and can be seen all around the coast in unusual places. They occasionally travel up rivers as far as 15 km inland.  

Although very charismatic, kekeno are wild animals and should be treated with respect.

“But it’s important to remember this is all part of their normal behaviour and they are really resilient animals. Watch and enjoy them from a distance and follow our guidelines for when to call DOC.”

DOC has a hands-off approach with seals and will only intervene if the animal is in obvious danger such as getting too close to a road, tangled in debris, being harassed at a public beach or is seriously injured.

Sneezing, coughing and crying are all normal seal behaviours. Pups may be left alone for days at a time while their mother forages at sea.

DOC’s advice is to never touch or handle a seal as they can be very aggressive if threatened. It is also a breach of the Marine Mammals Protection Act. People should keep a distance of at least 20 metres from kekeno, if possible, and not get between the seal and the sea.

“If you are walking your dog in areas where seals regularly haul out, or see a seal on your beach, put your dog on a lead until you are away from the seal,” says Laura Boren.

If you see a seal which is severely injured, being harassed, or in obvious danger, call 0800 DOC HOT (0800 362 468).

If you encounter a seal on or near a beach, please give it space.

  • Always keep dogs on a leash, under control and away from seals.

  • Ensure you keep small children at a safe distance and under your control when watching seals.

  • Do not get closer than 20 metres.

  • Do not get between the seal and the sea.

  • Do not touch or feed the seal.

Kekeno populations have made a remarkable recovery in New Zealand. They were hunted extensively in the 16th to 18th centuries, with some experts estimating the population fell as low as 10,000 seals.

The last population count in 2001 estimated there were 200,000 kekeno. This number is certain to be much higher now. The population rebound is something to be celebrated, but it does mean we will need to adjust to having more kekeno in our lives, on our beaches and near our cities.

Chris Lynch
Chris Lynch

Chris Lynch is a journalist, videographer and content producer, broadcasting from his independent news and production company in Christchurch, New Zealand. If you have a news tip or are interested in video content, email [email protected]

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