Photo: Supplied
The owner of a horse rehabilitation facility is shocked after a float was stolen in Burwood.
Thieves cut through a metal council barrier arm gate, and a chain from a padlocked gate, removed a wheel brace and tow cup lock off the float.
The theft happened on Burwood Road near Clare Park, between 8.30PM Sunday and 8AM Monday.
Owner Hayley Sincock said the float was parked in a discreet spot within a lot of trees.
“The thieves came during the night using something likely to be a grinder and cut through the post at ground level to get past the barrier arm at the entrance drive.
Photo: Supplied
“They used bolt cutters to cut the chain on second gate.
“They dragged the float leaving huge skid marks – maybe didn’t know the handbrake was on?”
“I work almost 7 days a week to cover costs of running a rescue rehab haven where I work with horses and get them well enough to re-home.
This float was my pride and joy and was for the rescue horses. Sadly I never got to use the float for any of the horses.”
Police have been notified.